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Revision as of 02:09, 18 October 2010 by Bertrum (talk | contribs)
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Programming language: Java
Platform: Unix, Linux, MacOS X, Windows
Status: Active
Latest release: 0.99
Homepage: http://javatwg.sourceforge.net/

Werewolf is an IRC bot that moderates instances of The Werewolf Game, a detective/social game. Based on the PircBot found Here and uses a modified version of the rules found Here.

To play a game of Werewolf there needs to be atleast 5 players. The goal of the game is to seek out the werewolf or werewolves players before they kill all the villagers. Each day a vote is held by the villagers as to who might be the werewolf, and the character who gets the most votes against them gets lynched, at which point their true identity are shown.

There are also special classes to help the villagers along with their investigation, namely the Seer who can has the ability, once a day, to see the true identity of a person if they don't get killed by the werewolves first that is.


The latest zip file of this game can be found Here and the latest source can be found here