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Node-3.NET / That IT Company - IRC Network

(Quick connect via KiwiIRC client, click here.)

If you are still one of the ‘old school’ type, that still love to use the one and only original “Instant Messenger”, or at least I think that’s what the kids are calling it these days at least. Well, then look no further, since 2006 we have had a small, but well established and stable IRC(Internet Relay Chat) network for keeping up with each other in real time. I feel old just writing this, but that aside, our network is open and freely available to any and all who want to use it for any legal purposes.

We specifically welcome any and all Open Source projects, groups, and just general individuals looking for an IRC home.

If you do in fact decide to make your Open Source projects IRC network home here at That IT Company(aka, and you would like free hosting for your project, please connect to our IRC network using your favorite IRC client(there are a couple of examples below) and contact either silvertear, or tdeath in #thatITcompany, or #p0x. The services we are capable of providing for free include, but are not limited to:

  • Web and file/release hosting.
  • Storage(ftp/sftp/rsync/cifs/etc).
  • Version Control(SVN/Git/etc).
  • Bug tracking/management.
  • Daily server security audits.
  • Anything else within reason upon request.
  • That IT Company, Internet Relay Chat Network Information.

That IT Company, Internet Relay Chat Network Information.

IRC Network Name(s):

RoundRobin(RR) connection hostname(s):

IRC Network Servers:


SSL PORT: 6697

IRC Network Administrators:

silvertear, tdeath, p0x, ldgeorge85, chris, Chris--

Main/Administrative network channels:

#thatITcompany #p0x

(No, these are not twitter hashtags, they are the original and have been around since the 1980s :))

To connect, get your favorite IRC client, for those hardcore users that is typically irssi, for more novice to intermediate users, I would recommend using the following depending on your operating system(see below). Then simply connect to one of the round-robin addresses listed in the above network information(, or, or if you prefer a specific server, choose one from the list. Once connected, create your own, or join a channel listed above. Secure SSL connections are also available on port 6697.

Here are a couple of popular IRC clients if you are unfamiliar and prefer something simple to get started(X-Chat also has a Windows version if preferred):

Microsoft Windows:




Also, as a quick browser based alternative method to connect to our IRC network, you can using the following link:

We hope you find our IRC network a great place to call home, for yourself, or collaboration on any open source software projects you may have going. As mentioned previously, we will provide free, high performance hosting services on a first come first serve basis for those that are interested. The only thing we ask of in return, is to help us grow our user base by using That IT Company’s IRC Network for collaboration with your fellow developers/peers on any project hosted. Any comments, questions, suggestions, etc. in regards to anything, please get a hold of us via IRC, or the ‘Contact Us’ form at the top of the page, thanks, and happy IRC’ing :-)
