Help:User levels

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Revision as of 12:53, 25 July 2011 by Trixarian (talk | contribs)
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User level is determined by points that a user has gained. Points are awarded for preforming various tasks as creating, editing or modifying articles on the IRC Wiki. These points can in turn be used to purchase virtual gifts which can be given to others.

The Ranking based on points are divided as follows:
Recruit = 0 - 1199
Apprentice = 1200 - 1749
Private = 1750 - 2499
Corporal = 2500 - 4999
Sergeant = 5000 - 9999
Gunnery Sergeant = 10000 - 19999
Lieutenant = 20000 - 34999
Captain = 35000 - 49999
Major = 50000 - 74999
Lieutenant Commander = 75000 - 99999
Commander = 100000 - 149999
Colonel = 150000 - 249999
Brigadier = 250000 - 349999
Brigadier General = 350000 - 499999
Major General = 500000 - 649999
Lieutenant General = 650000 - 799999
General = 800000 - 999999
General of the Army = 1000000+